What the hell did I plant here?

Friday, July 3, 2009

I have been very lapsed in my confused gardening lately, and thus, also lapsed in my reporting of it. Today we did a bunch of stuff:

We saw a large robin-sized baby bird who has been adopted by some house sparrows. The adult sparrows continue to feed their baby despite it being bigger than they are. Tamsin has named the baby bird "Teresa."

We went to Mostardi's in search of roses that can actually survive in zone 6b and are disease resistant to boot and found two gorgeous winners, both floribundas: Frederic Mistral and Angel Face. Fred is gorgeous and smells fantastic and is only a little battered and mitey from all the rain. Angela is lavender and has a lovely old rose scent and is little, so I planted her in front of Bruce, my old reliable Playboy rose.

I also saw our resident northern flicker again in the backyard. He hopped around a bit, then decided I was too close for comfort and flew off, flashing his brilliant yellow underparts.

My ghods there are a lot of weeds.

Oh, and to further complicate things--the neighbors have cut down two trees, a somewhat sickly beech and a gorgeous, HUGE Kentucky coffee tree... so sad. And now all my light has changed, so I need to reevaluate everything. It's a good thing I enjoy garden planning!

I also got a hook to hang up a bird feeder outside the living room window, but I will need a great big ladder to do that (not to mention figuring out where the studs are).